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EFT (or tapping) is heralded as one of the quickest and easiest ways to reduce stress, dissolve painful memories and boost confidence. So, why isn’t it working for you? Here are 5 mistakes I see, that could be the problem… You’re not “tuned in”. You aren’t saying the right things You’re resisting it You want […]

Self Development, Tapping

September 30, 2022

4 ways you’re getting tapping wrong

Tell me, how does tapping on your face help you orchestrate your dreams? What do you dream of? Let’s go with one most common to my clients: more money / more clients. Now, tell me, what is stopping you from having those things? You might come up with a list of ‘obvious’ reasons. People aren’t […]

Self Development, Tapping

April 23, 2021

Using EFT to build your dreams

Louisa Hussey

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I have set up a Facebook group for women like you, build courage to live the life of your dreams. It’s called Courageous Women. What even is courage? Does it resonate with you? Or is it something that other people have? Psychology Today defines Courage as ”  a kind of strength, power or resolve to […]

Self Development

January 23, 2020

I’m not feeling very courageous.

Courageous Lion

I have been studying mindset, alongside EFT for a while now. Your mindset is the thoughts and beliefs that you hold, about yourself. Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck spent decades of research on achievement and success. She said, many people operate with a ‘fixed mindset’ – people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or […]

Self Development

December 16, 2019

How EFT changes your mindset.

self development books

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