I have been studying mindset, alongside EFT for a while now. Your mindset is the thoughts and beliefs that you hold, about yourself.
Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck spent decades of research on achievement and success. She said, many people operate with a ‘fixed mindset’ – people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. Your view of yourself can determine everything. If you believe that your qualities are unchangeable — the fixed mindset — you will want to prove yourself correct over and over rather than learning from your mistakes.
She claims that there is another mindset however, in which these traits are not simply a hand you’re dealt and have to live with. In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt is just the starting point for development. This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.
Many people will read self help books or watch TED Talks about how to change your life, but ultimately struggle to change their mindset. Maybe this resonates with you? Perhaps you’ve spent a long time believing you’re not clever enough. Or qualified enough. Or that you’re going to get ‘found out. (aka imposter syndrome).
These thoughts are your ‘self limiting beliefs’
HOWEVER. It is REALLY hard to change your mindset. Even if you REALLY want to, even if you’ve read all the books, been to all the lectures, been through all the coaching / counselling / therapy… there might still be a tiny bit of you that isn’t able to change the tiny voice inside saying ‘yeh right, and pigs might fly.’
EFT can help with this. EFT addresses the negative inner chatter directly, and helps you transition from a place where you actually believe the nonsense you tell yourself – to a place where you might, just might be able to become the person you want to be.
By using AFFORMATIONS. An afformation is an affirmation with a question thrown in.
EG. If you are anxious about an interview, or a new role – some may suggest you start mantras, or affirmations such as
“I’m great at my job! I’m really qualified for this position! I’m the best person for the job.”
Which is fantastic, if you believe it! But what if you don’t?
Try this:
“Why am I the best person for the job?”
“How am I qualified for this position?”
It allows your brain chance to come up with the answers, so it feels real to you – and give you a chance to reflect on all the reasons WHY you’re the best person, rather than trying to convince yourself you are.
EFT includes afformations in the round before affirmations. I use creative questions such as ‘I wonder why this is…’ and ‘what if I could change? What would it be like if I could choose to let go of this’.
Try it next time you’re thinking of affirmations, and see if it makes a difference.
If you’d like to work on your mindset, and want to know more about how EFT can help, contact me via my website
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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