Tell me, how does tapping on your face help you orchestrate your dreams?
What do you dream of? Let’s go with one most common to my clients: more money / more clients.
Now, tell me, what is stopping you from having those things? You might come up with a list of ‘obvious’ reasons.
You see where this is going?
Try it for a second. Write out the list of all the reasons why you can’t have it.
All of this stuff is real for you. I know. I’ve had the same thoughts and reasons. And they feel VERY VERY true don’t they. Your brain is wired to keep you safe. And change is ‘not safe’. So it will come up with all sorts of reasons why you SHOULDN’T change, and let’s face it, it is VERY CONVINCING.
You might not like what I say next.
I’d like to suggest that some of these things are stories you’re telling yourself. Also known as ‘limiting beliefs’.
When we tap on our faces, and talk through this stuff, our subconscious starts to process, our brains start to re-organise and we get to look at things differently. One question I ask regularly, is
“I wonder how true this is?”
This is where the magic happens. Often clients say, it’s totally true. 10/10. And often they laugh, and say, I’ve just realised it’s not really true at all.
Using really clever questioning, precise EFT techniques combined with a bit of NLP, hypno-visualisation, YOU, get to change your thoughts. So, a client who once thought that ‘I’m not qualified’ as a 10/10 belief, will be able to rewire, and truly start believing that OF COURSE she is totally qualified. (this is usually accompanied with some sort of laugh!)
Can you see, if you are walking around believing that you’re not qualified, then the chances are you’ll struggle to get clients to believe that you are. Perhaps you’ll be hesitant to ask for the sale, if you don’t really believe that you’ll be able to help them.
Or, if you are listening to the thoughts in your head which say ‘It’s greedy to want more’ then you’ll probably be surviving on ‘just about enough’. Instead of being able to ask for more, and it be ok.
Tapping allows you to re-write your stories. Re-write your limiting beliefs and bust through the blocks that BY NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN are stopping you from really going after what you want.
I want to say that again
You’ve just not been taught it! Until now 🙂
I’m running an EFT for Alchemy course, teaching you HOW to use EFT effectively for your own personal peace and how to use it to create the life you really want. It’s six week and I am so excited!
So, can tapping on your face help you manifest? Yessiree Bob. It surely can.
How do I know this works? Here are some clients experiences:
Beth, Marketing Consultant, wanted to run a group programme. (GOAL).
Her Limiting Belief was: I’m no good at leading a group. I’m too scared to talk in front of the group. No-one will want me to teach them.
6 weeks of tapping: Result: Beth’s group programme is currently being launched, 5 people have already signed up. She has been going live on Instagram EVERY day since we started tapping. We cleared all the stories she had about being ‘seen’.
How magical.
I’ve spent the past few years being the magician. Supporting so many women to reach for their own stars, and I am SO excited about now passing on the baton.
EFT Alchemy is a six week course, and it teaches you how to tap effectively for yourself, so you can build the life of your dreams .DM for the details. I cannot WAIT to see how your life will change.
PS Want to know how tapping has helped me manifest? Ok, since learning how to tap, I’ve manifested:
I’m yet to manifest a range rover, but trust me, it’s on the list!
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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