I have been studying mindset, alongside EFT for a while now. Your mindset is the thoughts and beliefs that you hold, about yourself. Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck spent decades of research on achievement and success. She said, many people operate with a ‘fixed mindset’ – people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or […]

Self Development

December 16, 2019

How EFT changes your mindset.

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self development books

Struggling with pain? Can’t find a method of pain relief that works? Time to try something new… Quick maths question before we get started: how many physio / chiropractor / osteopath appointments have you been to? This year. Over the past few years? Since day dot? Yeah, that’s what I thought… It’s just part of […]


December 6, 2019

EFT For Pain Relief

Woman relaxing stress relief EFT Tapping

What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique is a non-invasive technique, developed by the American Gary Craig in the 1990s. https://www.emofree.com/ It has been described as a psychological form of acupressure – or verbal acupuncture, without needles! What is it used on? It is used by thousands of therapists and self help enthusiasts worldwide to work […]


December 3, 2019

What the heck is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Technique EFT International

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