I’m going to do it anyway.
I’m talking about money. Maybe it’s already sitting a bit uncomfortably with you? I’m running a course about it in a few weeks, and I KNOW that some of you are thinking its a bit uncuth, or rude even to be talking about money so publicly.
So, why AM I talking about it?
Because I believe that money enables us to have a HUGE impact on the word. With more money I believe that we can do great things.
Not just in business, or even just in the confines of your family. Imagine the ripple effect – your friends, your colleagues, peers – imagine how it will impact on them if you’re able to deal with your finances confidently. How will it impact your life if you’re not worrying each month about it?
I was brought up not really talking about money.
I started my working life earning £18k and entered a world where people worked for the LOVE. And yes, I did. I absolutely loved it, my first proper job in a charity. Pay rises were not a thing. Benefits & perks weren’t even heard of. I worked my a$$ off and was rewarded with the love.
Which I actually LOVED for a long time. But as I got older, I couldn’t live on it. I wanted more, and felt incredibly selfish asking for a pay rise.
It has taken me a very very long time to unpick the belief that it I should be happy to support people for the love, rather than be paid well for my skills. That the money was better spent on the people we supported, rather than the staff that were working themselves into the ground. In fact, I feel sick even just writing that. How selfish of me to want to be paid, when people were dying, living with terrible illnesses, coping with traumatic times. So I stayed and tried not to ask for more money. Just to clarify – this is NOT a dig at the organisations I worked for. It’s a turbulent crusade through my own money stories – the inner negative backchat from the itty bitty committee in my head.
Do you believe you should be paid for your work? Or do you feel weird about asking for the sale? Mumble over your prices? Offer discounts ALL THE TIME?
A tiny bit of me still occasionally suggests that working for the love is a good idea. and so I offer payment plans or instalment options for those that want to work with me but need some support to do so.
I’m running a course in October which is all about dismantling money beliefs. Coping with the emotional tricks that money can play on you.
If you’re ready to uplevel and not feel selfish. If you want to earn more, but work less. If you want to ask for that payrise and KNOW that you’re worth it – then this course is for you.
You can sign up here:
(HEADS UP – Jen wrote that page, not me – and she swears, a LOT!)
I’d love to know what your stories are – everyone has them!
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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