Pain – tap on the physical sensations, rate it out of 10, and keep tapping until the number comes down
Stress – figure out where in your body you feel stressed (face? head? chest?) and tap on those physical feelings.
Sad memories – gently let yourself remember the memory, and tap on the points – interspersing the memory with phrases like “it’s ok to relax, it’s safe to feel better”
Overwhelm – simply tap on the thoughts, all 4 million of them, whilst taking some deep calming breaths and let the overwhelm subside.
PTSD – this can be complex, so speak to a professional
Anger – tap on the heat, the things they said, the situation that made you angry
Worry about not being good enough – you can gently tap on these thoughts, and speak to a professional if the worry is intense.
Weight issues – this can be a complicated beast, so speak to a professional to challenge this on a deep level. You can however tap on cravings and allow your body to relax.
Sleep – tapping enables your body to enter rest and relaxation mode, so tapping before bed is often a great way to nod off…
Boost energy – one of my favourite things to do – tap and imagine your energy coming back into your body, boosting your cells. Message me to get a script for this – it’s powerful stuff!
Decision making – not sure what you want to do? Not sure whats the best way forward? Question yourself whilst you tap, sometimes the answer is just hidden – tapping can get to it!
Confidence – focus all of your thoughts onto the reasons why you’re allowed to be confident, letting go of any low confidence thoughts. I love running these kind of sessions for clients – message me if you’d like more support
Money worries: (in particular for self employed / freelancers) Tapping is extremely effective at reducing worry about your next cash injection, boosting confidence in asking for the sale.
People pleasing – tap on the urge to please others, the worry about seeming rude, or unhelpful. It can be a huge weight off when you can reduce your people pleasing tendancies.
Phobias – tapping for fear of flying, spiders, heights etc is hugely effective. Tap on every single aspect of the thing that frightens you, and watch the phobia disappear.
Traumatic experiences: please speak to a professional who can help you recover from a trauma.
Childbirth anxieties: Tapping is excellent for calming your body, and your thoughts. So it is fantastic for use in childbirth. However, please speak to a professional if you have birth trauma.
Presentation skills – the thought of giving a talk, or presentation make you feel sick? Get tapping… it’s brilliant to reduce your fears on public speaking.
Peace – if anything is costing you your peace, it’s too expensive. Tapping to bring some peace into your mind and your body is essential in these challenging times.
Overthinking: when your mind is whirring, and you can’t stop thinking about it, or running over a million potential outcomes of something – just stop and tap.
If you want some help with any of the things listed above, please get in touch via and we can chat about the best options for you.