The million dollar question.
And the answer is, I don’t know why YOU can’t lose weight.
But I can help find out why.
You are probably trying ALL the things. Maybe dallying with the big guns, Weight Watchers or Slimming World? (Maybe even their new comrade, Noom?) Because their plans work right.
You need something to keep you on the straight and narrow, cos god only knows, it’s too hard to do it on your own with ‘will power’. Or ‘motivation.
Maybe you’re buying low fat ingredients. Going on kitchen clearing benders, where you bin all of the ‘biscuits / chocolate / crisps’ and replace them with shit you don’t even, like ryvitas and veg – 100% confident that you’ll be able to choose cucumber and hummus as an afternoon snack. Because you’ve got to lose a bit of weight. And this is the way to do it.
Along with some exercise. Maybe Couch to 5k for starters, or joining the gym because of all the shiny classes you could take that will make you strong and slim.
GREAT NEWS that I’m in your head, because whilst I’m here, I’m going to give it all a good airing, and a spring clean.
We’ve been brought up on an 80s diet of weight watchers, grapefruit diets, followed by a 90s diet of EXTREMELY THIN CELEBRITIES and Atkins. With the only weight loss method being ‘eat less and move more, you big lazy lump’.
And I want to offer a different perspective. Your ability to lose weight is all in your head. It has nothing to do with your ability to ‘stick at something’, or ‘your will power – or lack of.’. It’s nothing to do with you just being fat and lazy (those are the words I say to myself, not to you by the way…)
This is my perspective.
Losing weight = hard work.
Eating ‘healthy’ = not going to fill me up = I’ll need something to eat later
Dieting = being hungry = hideous / painful / distressing.
And now, here’s the fun part.
WHY do you think like that? What have you experienced that brought that to life? WHO have you spent time with that put those thoughts in your head?
I’m the brain poker. I like to get in people’s head and poke about a bit, and find out why the hell this stuff exists for us. To pull out from the deepest darkest corners of your mind, that has helped you create these thoughts. And then, to help you let go of them. Move past them. Decide that from now on, you don’t have to be the one that finds it hard. The one with no will power. The one who can’t fasten their clothes and is feeling increasingly upset about it.
I help you get to be the person who gets to lose weight without it being such a fucking big deal. The person who doesn’t diet, but chooses the stuff that she REALLY wants (not craves, that’s different). I help you break your cravings so you don’t have to join Weight Watchers and weigh yourself in front of a load of strangers, who then talks to you about how many points, or syns you’re ALLOWED to eat. Urgh.
I operate with zero restrictions. And it is FREEDOM.
So, tell me – why can’t YOU lose weight? What does that even mean to you? I’d love to hear your comments below. x
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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