This is just who I am now.
Your brain.
You can remember who you used to be, but it’s pointless trying to be that again – you’ve got responsibilities now. Your freedom has been compromised. And it’s selfish to try and change it all now.⠀⠀
I get it. You’ve got kids. You’re working. You’re even now having to do both of these things at the same time (which is an impossible act). You’re holding on to ALL those helium balloons.⠀⠀
You’re having it rammed down your throat from all angles – social media just highlights how easy some have got it. And it REALLY highlights how hard it is for you.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Some people really ARE the person they used to be. They might have got a bit lost on the way, but they’ve found their path again.⠀⠀⠀
Some people, really are. in fact. happy. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You’re trying EVERYTHING you can. Mindfulness. Meditation. Exercise – you’re trying every trick in the book (that those mums claim to be the cure for all).⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You just haven’t been shown The Secret. (although you may have read the book? and it didn’t work for you anyway)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The secret, is EFT.
I know so many of us are now juggling knives on the unicycle of life.
Life can feel like a circus. One you didn’t know you’d signed up to, until it was too late.
What if you could choose to create your own version of the circus.
What if you could get to put down the juggling balls, get down off the towering unicycle, and calmly pick everything back up in an orderly fashion?
Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. Some of you are probably rolling your eyes, saying Sorry Lou- it’s just not that simple. I’m a working parent, with kids, trying to teach what a f*cking split phoneme is, and remembering to buy toothpaste. I don’t have the LUXURY of putting any blimmin juggling balls down. I know.
The current circus ring (aka home/work/parent/life) is not designed to be sustainable. Mums are being put into an impossible situation. And they don’t have a single second to figure out how to change it, because the circus master (usually a small child!) is demanding. And the juggling balls are sharp. You have had no time to practise.
Louisa Hussey 🙂
And it’s a giant problem.
But I’m here to tell you it’s possible. I know this, because I did it. And you can read how my clients have done it. And I can show you too.
One simple technique. Some words. Some weird tapping on your face. EFT is the secret to putting down the juggling balls. It is the magic in the circus ring. And I am the magician to teach you.
Think about it. And DM me if you’re curious to see if the magic might work for you.
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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