Your troubles. Your worries. Your horrible thoughts or fears.
Give them to me. I’ll look after them until you’re ready to let go of them completely.
I just listened to the most magical story, told by Elizabeth Gilbert. She was on a bus on a cold, wet and dark day in New York. The occupants of the bus were cold, wet and everyone looked in a terrible mood. The atmosphere was depressed and blue.
And then the most magical thing happened. The bus driver got on the intercom and said, Ladies and Gentlemen. I can see that you’ve had a tough day. So I invite you, when you leave the bus, to give me all of your troubles. I will put my hand out, and you are invited to give whatever is troubling you, to me. And at the end of my shift, I will throw them all into the Hudson River. Do not take them home. Leave them with me, I shall take them for you.
And reader, at each stop. Every single person did just that. They ‘gave’ the bus driver, their troubles.
Some laughed when they did it.
Some cried.
Some bowed their head in gratitude.
Elizabeth Gilbert stayed on that bus until they got to the Hudson River, where he dramatically and theatrically opened the bus window and THREW every single trouble, worry, fear or thought from those bus occupants.
Isn’t that the most wonderful story? I actually choked up a bit, thinking of how magical it must have been to witness. How freeing it must have felt for those bus riders. And how incredible it must have been for the bus driver – to recognise that that is what his bus occupants needed. And to do something about it.
Like there is stuff weighing you down, and you’d like to lighten the load.
I do, regularly.
I’m not a bus driver, but his actions resonated very much with me today. I feel like that bus driver.
I see when people are struggling with their load. And often I feel their load with them – I’m such an empath. I want to ease the load for you.
When I use EFT with clients, I am the bus driver with the open hand. My clients share their stuff, and I help them look after it until they’re ready to loosen the hold, or lighten the load. A client this week was finally able to acknowledge that she has a huge tight painful knot in her chest, which is ‘keeping her from falling apart.’ She has had this knot for a very long time. We talked about this knot, what it felt like, and slowly, we explored whether she wanted to keep it. Whether she could be in charge of unravelling it. Or whether she wanted to spend the rest of her life with it. She chose to loosen it.
And that is the joy of the bus driver. The riders didn’t HAVE to ‘give’ him their worries. They were invited to… AND they chose to.
I love this. And I love watching my clients choose to lighten their own loads. EFT is the most magical, and humbling of jobs that I have ever had.
If this resonates with you, please do send me a message. Perhaps I can be your bus driver on your journey of life (obviously with a slightly more sequiny shirt…)
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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