One of the most unsettling feelings that can come with peri-menopause is overwhelm. Like you want to stop the world and get off. Even just the ping of an email notification can set you off.
As your hormones change – namely a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels, you can experience a range of symptoms , both physical and emotional, such as hot flushes, mood swings, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms can be intense and leave women feeling out of control, leading to a sense of overwhelm.
I’ve had so many conversations with women going through this, and one of the most stressful things they mention, is the emotional roller-coaster that they’re on – rage, mood swings, frustration and mostly how ALL of this contributes to a huge sense of overwhelm, that feels really hard to deal with.
I’ve even noticed with friends, school mums at the gates, that overwhelm can bring some kind of ‘flappy-ness’ or ‘stressy-ness’. I can spot an agitated woman a mile away – they’re going 100miles an hour and talk even faster.
I know what’s happening. If you stop – you might never start again. (Am I close?)
Or if you stop, and take a break – that it will mean ‘it won’t get done’.
Another biggie is ‘if I don’t do it, who will?.’
And my god – aren’t these real concerns? They absolutely ARE!! One client of mine said “If I don’t get it all done, then my clients will think I’m incompetent’. She was working ALL. THE. TIME.
Another client said “If I slow down, everyone will think I’m lazy”
So firstly I want to offer this – You Are The Golden Goose. You absolutely might be keeping everything afloat, but at what cost? Is your hair falling out? Are you clenching your jaw? Is your tummy upset all the time? Sleeping badly because you’re waking at 3am worrying about everything? I know. I know.
Please take a note – you ARE the golden goose, and we need to help keep you laying the golden eggs. If people keep taking and taking things from you, and you keep giving and giving, you’re going to be so depleted that the very essence of you will be gone.
Try using EFT. Simply tap on your face, and talk yourself through the million thoughts. Really let yourself feel them all. Take some of the thousand things off your to do list. Really send yourself some love.
I am recording a series called Peri Peri Course at the moment – and these videos are specifically designed to help you cope with, and let go of, some of the intensity that overwhelm can have in your life.
I’d like to offer this to you today.
The recording of the video – it’s a stand alone video, so appropriate for ANYONE feeling frazzled, overwhelmed, stressed and worried.
It’s about 40 mins so you can watch it instead of Netflix.
And you SHOULD watch it instead of Netflix because you’re the Golden Goose.
The link for it is here:
And you’ll be directed to the video straight after purchase.
Please, treat yourself like someone you love.
Louisa x
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