If you’re being kicked in the t*ts by the menopause right now, here are some practical tips and ideas to help.
1.Speak to your doctor & check you’re on the right levels of HRT (or your preferred alternative)
2. Watch TV that makes you laugh, I recommend some classic Peter Kay.
3. Move – whether that’s insane raving in your kitchen, or a walk in the woods. Doesn’t have to be ‘formal’. You don’t even need to wear a sports bra. Just MOVE.
4. Sleep more than you “think” a grown up woman needs (and use the spare bed too)
5. Eat some fruit & veg but NOT BORINGLY. Use spices, herbs – add flavours my love, it doesn’t have to be a bland boring lettucy salad. Make a snack box with carrots and hummous. Try steamed pears with cinnamon. Grate an apple instead of eating it normally – for some reason it’s nicer (although use a spoon, it’s juicy)
6. Listen to your fav music & sing at the top of your voice. Get in your car and sing in the Tesco car park, the bit the furthest away from the door. No-one parks there. No-one will hear you.
7. Get near some water – take an afternoon bath. Go for a swim. Or walk by a river, lake, pond or the sea – all VERY good for you.
8. Do some tapping (obvs)
9. Meditate – free ones on YT or on an app like Calm. Find someone who’s voice you like and listen to it. Do some of the breathing exercises too.
10. Lie on the floor with your legs up until you feel stupid, then lie down for 5 minutes more.
11. Cry at no particular thing. Or something very specific.
12. Tap (again, obvs) EFT is the best stress reduction tool I know.
13. Find a really supportive friend who’ll listen while you rant endlessly about the injustice of life and the fact that men don’t have to deal with this shiz.
14. Call a pal that makes you laugh until you wheeze. Even if you’re out of the habit of phoning.
15. Repeat that as often as possible
16. Speak up when something bugs you, you’re allowed to say no, or put a boundary around something.
17. Do something you LOVE (rollerskating, singing, running) and do it a lot even if you’re crap at it.
18. Do some tapping.
19. Stop answering daft questions either from colleagues or partners. Just pretend you can’t hear them, or ask them to repeat the question in a slow and incredulous manner.
20. Wear soft & comfy clothes, no tight things that you can’t breathe in (oh and stop holding your stomach in whilst we’re at it).
21. Say no to stuff you don’t like doing (xmas light show? no thanks. Dinner with that stressful friend? sorry, can’t make it)
22. Tap (getting the hint yet?)
23. Take 400 things off your to-do list (including making no sugar muffins for the kids cos you’re worried about their snack obsessions).
24. Delete, block or mute anyone on social media that makes you feel URGH. Hear the voice in your head who shouts WHO CARES when you see their posts – and just decide it’s okay to not see it anymore. (even if it’s your mate).
25. Decide it’s okay to not send xmas cards, or birthday cards ever again. (This one is VERY liberating!)
26. Call someone who’ll tell you you’re doing a great job. (everyone likes a bit of external validation sometimes)
27. Tap
28. Have a nap without having to announce it to the family.
29. Speak to the doc if you’re really having a bad time.
30. Book an EFT / Tapping session with me.
Which one are you doing today?
Louisa x
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