Probably both tbh…
I know what it’s like. The kids are sucking the life out of you. Incessant demands. Broken sleep.
Constant worrying about x y and z. Plus work, don’t forget about work. And emails.
And you feel like you could just fall asleep right now. Standing up. Why am I so tired?
Is it just the kids?
Well, possibly. But there’s another thought here – it could be your hormones.
You’ve heard of menopause right? When your periods stop, and you are officially an old lady. (exact definition to be confirmed, but it’s something like that).
But, have you ever really thought about what that might be like? How that actually happens? Do you wake up one day and just not have a period again? Yes, and no.
It’s probably the menopause’s naughty little sister – peri menopause.
Before your periods stop altogether, your hormones will be steadily declining. Your oestrogen and progesterone levels, will start to drop. Probably not too dramatically at first, you probably won’t notice too much – maybe your PMT might change. Your mood swings might intensify. You might be really tired. (And if you’re 40something, then it’s definitely something to think about)
Parenting is tiring. It can make you furious with everything. It can mess with your head. But if you’re KNACKERED. Like, REALLY REALLY bone tired. Like can’t get off the sofa tired. Like fatigue. It’s possibly your hormones.
If you can’t stay up that late anymore. If you’re really struggling to do mornings. If you’re now needing to nap more, or like you can’t face socialising because you’re so tired. If your face feels like it’s half way down your face. If you look 150 years old. Please, consider it might be the peri-menopause. Are you in your 40s? Yep – it’s almost definitely got something to do with it.
One way to look at this, is to consider if you have any other symptoms. Have a good think about your menstrual cycle – has it changed recently? Are you noticing itchy skin, or inexplicable rage more than normal? Are you having hot flushes, or night sweats? All of these are obvious signs of menopause, but there are loads more, lesser known symptoms.
Go download my symptom tracker.
You’re not alone. You are not crazy. It’s probably your hormones. And there are things we can do to help.
Got questions? Drop me a message via the contact form below and we can see if we might be a good fit.
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