What is EFT?
Emotional Freedom Technique is a non-invasive technique, developed by the American Gary Craig in the 1990s. https://www.emofree.com/ It has been described as a psychological form of acupressure – or verbal acupuncture, without needles!
What is it used on?
It is used by thousands of therapists and self help enthusiasts worldwide to work on a huge range of problems. Technically EFT only does one thing, it re-balances the body’s energy. Many people, however, as a consequence of re-balancing their energy have found it helps pain, phobias, mood, anxiety, panic, PTSD, limiting beliefs, eating issues – and that is only a brief list of the many conditions reported to have improved after the use of EFT.
It’s actually really simple. First, you need to tune into the issue, or what’s bothering you and then tapping with gentle pressure on a sequence of points that are mainly located on the face and upper body. Whilst tapping on the points, you speak out loud (or in your head) the words that describe what’s bothering you – these spoken words help the person tune into their problem and to stop the mind straying from the problem.
Some of the phrases can be emotional – the first few phrases I always use are:
“Even though I have this issue, I totally love and accept myself.
Even though I have this issue, I give myself permission to relax.
Even though I have this issue, I wonder if I can forgive myself today.”
Often just these beginning words can bring up some deep rooted emotional reactions, and sometimes my clients cry just saying these words – however, the great thing about EFT, is that the emotions don’t stay long, they are released and my clients feel lighter afterwards.
Sounds whacky. Definitely.
Looks ridiculous. Of course.
Does it work? It absolutely does. Try it and see what you think 🙂
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