Grab yourself a cuppa and read up… Pain – tap on the physical sensations, rate it out of 10, and keep tapping until the number comes down Stress – figure out where in your body you feel stressed (face? head? chest?) and tap on those physical feelings. Sad memories – gently let yourself remember the […]
I have been studying mindset, alongside EFT for a while now. Your mindset is the thoughts and beliefs that you hold, about yourself. Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck spent decades of research on achievement and success. She said, many people operate with a ‘fixed mindset’ – people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or […]
What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique is a non-invasive technique, developed by the American Gary Craig in the 1990s. It has been described as a psychological form of acupressure – or verbal acupuncture, without needles! What is it used on? It is used by thousands of therapists and self help enthusiasts worldwide to work […]
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